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Moments of Dignity and Honor

The Blog

Personal reflections from both Linda and those impacted by He Knows Your Name. These stories are a glimpses into their hearts.

Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands

I went to the cemetery where a baby, who was conceived in rape, was buried.  Baby Leon was carried by a courageous mama, even when the rest of her family denied his worth.  He died when he came early, too early. This young mama treasured him, he was the love of her...

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Choosing to carry…

Choosing to carry…

A baby with a diagnosis takes courage @ FAITH. To all you mama’s out there who have this high and holy calling.

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Abigail, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Friends, This month I want to share with you a glimpse into the deeply precious story of our Abigail. The below letter was written by my husband, Steve on Feb. 10th. Abigail  February 1, 2020- Feb 8, 2020 This past Friday Linda received a call about a baby girl...

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A Mama’s Cuddle Cot Story

A Mama’s Cuddle Cot Story

Friday, November 30th, 2012.  I was 38 weeks pregnant with my third baby.  The day started out like any other day. I dropped my daughter Ava off at preschool; she was 4 at the time.  Oliver, who was 2, and I headed off to Target. I was scheduled to be induced Monday...

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My Cuddle Cot Story, By Robin

My adventure and healing began about one full year ago.  I first heard about He Knows Your Name and Linda on the radio during an early morning drive to work.  She spoke about providing dignity for the death of young lives.  My heart was touched and I wanted to know...

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58 Headstones Dedicated for Unmarked Infant Graves

Life is honored, recognized and named with a headstone.  A headstone states; this was a life, this person had value, and identity.  An impactful part of the He Knows Your Name ministry  is dedicating headstones, where there is a need, most often for little ones.  Here...

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