
Linda is a popular speaker at conferences and retreats and has been interviewed on The Steve Harvey Show, WISH-TV, Fox 59, WTHR, LifeToday, “In the Market” with Janet Parshall, American Essence Magazine, Charisma Magazine, Christianity Today and many others. Linda’s ministry has been the cover Story of The Indianapolis Star 5 times.

Through story, Linda will inspire and ignite your next event. Explore her messages below.

(Photo by Sami Renee Photography)

Full Hands: Carrying Joy and Sorrow

Holding space for both joy and sorrow is an essential part of living life on purpose. When your hands are weighed down, and you feel broken, how can you find joy?

Linda takes you through a time in her life when she held both, as she planned her first funeral. When her brother Scott went to heaven, her parents asked her to plan his funeral. She was 6 weeks postpartum with her third baby and knew that this was significant in the life of her family. She never thought that planning that first funeral would become part of the legacy for He Knows Your Name’s story.
You will hear about Tim, a young boy who tragically drowned in a public pool. His legacy lives on in a swim program in his name in the Indianapolis area.

Together you will navigate how to keep your heart fixed on Jesus when life is full of joy and sorrow. When grief and pain are too heavy to carry, Jesus promises to meet us in our long suffering.

Collaboration is Key: You Were Not Meant to Walk Alone

Living in community and working together is essential. Through unexpected and unlikely ways, you can create relationships that change the world. Through the journey of He Knows Your Name, relationships were established that became the blueprint for the ministry of He Knows Your Name. The impact is changing communities all over the world.

Linda shares stories of connection and impact that has come from meeting all kinds of people. From the Coroner’s Office staff and funeral home directors, to a woman she met at a funeral for Baby Amelia (an abandoned baby) a relationship was formed, just like the one formed over Baby Moses, a baby found in a creek, God has led her to people, who together, have done His work.

There is surprise and intrigue as Linda shares about the people she has collaborated with along this 15 year journey. This conversation will have you asking ‘What can happen if I press into community around me?” “How will I be changed when I give of myself in unexpected ways?” Linda believes there is a surprise joy in giving that brings about blessing, that when received you will be changed forever.

Your Greatest Resource is Not Your Money: But It Will Cost You

Living life on purpose is not free. There is cost to every decision we make to abide in God. What assignment from God has your name name on it? What are you willing to say ‘No’ to in order to say ‘Yes’ to God?

In this challenging message, Linda reveals the ‘shiny objects’ that she has had to say no to in order to lean into the lives around her. Lives like: a mama whose baby was found in a dumpster, a family enduring the murder of their sister, and a young woman who was in prison, and is now free.

We each have assignment on our lives. It is the plans and purposes of God reveled to us, uniquely. So whether you find your self in the public eye, or behind the scenes, you will be prompted to take your life before Jesus, and ask what it looks like to daily say, ‘No’ so that you can say, ‘Yes’. “What is the meaning of your name? And how does it matter to your story as your form your own legacy?”

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